Afternoon Visitor was founded in the spring of 2020 in Iowa City. We are an online quarterly publication of poetry, hybrid text, visual poetry, and visual art. We’re looking for accidental visitors, harbingers, and spectres.

We’re particularly interested in giving space to trans + queer writers in every issue and presenting work from established and emerging writers. We welcome experimental work, long form poetry, and sequences.




    TR Brady is a writer and fiber artist. Originally from Arkansas, they currently live in Moscow, ID. Their first poetry collection is forthcoming from Fonograf Editions in 2026. TR’s writing has appeared in Poetry Daily, Tin House, Bennington Review, Black Warrior Review, New England Review, The Arkansas International, and elsewhere. TR holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.



    Maggie Nipps is a poet from Wisconsin and an MFA candidate at the University of Idaho. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Ninth Letter, Southeast Review, Salt Hill, Berkeley Poetry Review, Peach Mag, mercury firs, and elsewhere. She has a stellium in Aquarius and enjoys finding small items on the sidewalk.