Submissions are currently OPEN in all genres. Submissions can be emailed to: afternoonvisitor@gmail.com

For all submissions:

- Please send your submission in a Word document or PDF and include your name in the document.

- Send one submission at a time and wait until you hear back from us to submit again. We ask that you submit no more than twice a year.

- Include a short third-person bio in the body of your email, along with a brief cover letter. Your subject line should contain your name and the title of your submission.


-submit 3-8 poems, in one document (pdf, doc), 10 pages maximum. We’re open to all poetic styles.


-lyric essay, cross-genre—just keep it under 3,000 words, in one document. You may send up to three short pieces as long as the total word count does not exceed 3,000.

Visual poetry: 

-submit up to 8 pages at a time, in one document.

Visual art: 

-send up to 8 pieces at a time. There are no specific requirements.

Withdrawing work:

-We do accept simultaneous submissions but please be sure to promptly withdraw any pieces accepted for publication elsewhere by replying to your original submission.

Response time:

-We aim to respond to all submissions within five months—if you have not heard from us regarding your submission, it is still under consideration.


-We do not accept submissions of fiction.

-We do not accept previously published work—this includes works published online and on social media.

-At this time, Afternoon Visitor cannot offer payment for published work.

-All rights revert to the author / artist upon publication. We only ask that you credit Afternoon Visitor should a piece that first appeared here be subsequently published in a book, anthology, or elsewhere.