We Scared Away All of the Crows
I don't feel like stitching scarecrows together any more and no I don't have anything better to do and it's not you it's just these scarecrows don't know us like we know us and stitching them together is really taking up our time and it was fine at first it was fun but it's run it's course of course we can do other things together it's not you it's the scaring and I don't have any better ideas but stitching scarecrows is only going to scare more crows and no one has seen a crow in over a year and don't we want them back?

Dream Thursday
The dream wolf drowns.
I revive it, give it
mouth to mouth.
I fill the wolf
with enough air
that it lifts off the ground.
I anchor it with weights.
The dream wolf lives.
I thread a sail. Inside the wolf
is nothing but breath.
Outside the wolf
is nothing but dreams.
We sail. I balance on fur.
Eyes like tea time.
Eyes like taxidermy.
A whale in the sky
held tightly by a string.

Benjamin Niespodziany is a Chicago-based writer whose work has appeared in Fence, Puerto del Sol, BOOTH, Salt Hill, Sixth Finch, & elsewhere. A former Olive Garden waiter, his debut collection of poetry (with blurbs by Lemony Snicket & CAConrad) was released last November through Okay Donkey Press, & his forthcoming novella will be out with X-R-A-Y later this year.