I feel the need to mention it. In my dreams, I hear footsteps where they shouldn't be. They keep me awake at night. I am walking through a series of doors. I am in a meadow. A wind comes. We stand in it. Ghosts despise the wind: a giant piece of broken glass stored in their spare bedroom. A wind of great might chases a spirit in the night. There's a ghost in my writing hand. We all have them and hear the sounds. If only I couldn't understand, I'd avoid a night alone. I press my face against the glass— the last thing to touch the night.

with lines from Graham Foust, Sarah Goldstein, Ben Mirov, Zachary Schomburg, and Jane Yeh

David Wojciechowski is the author of Dreams I Never Told You & Letters I Never Sent (Gold Wake, 2017) and the chapbook Koniec (End) (Greying Ghost, 2023). His poems can be found in Bateau, Bending Genres, HAD, Meridian, Sporklet, and elsewhere. David works as an adjunct instructor and freelance graphic designer. He’s the host of the David Has Zoom Pro for a Few Months Reading Series and can be found at davidwojo.com and on Twitter @MrWojoRising.